There is always a Fight going on inside Me

There is always a fight going on inside me. The fight takes place between two fighters. The name of one of the fighters’ is ‘Will-Get-It’ and the other one’s name is ‘Not-Worthy’.

Sometimes ‘Will-Get-It’ dominates ‘Not-Worthy’ and sometimes, ‘Not-Worthy’ dominates ‘Will-Get-It’ in the fight. I always root for ‘Will-Get-It’ in the fight. I feel great when ‘Will-Get-It’ is dominating the fight, but when ‘Not-Worthy’ starts dominating the fight, I feel like I am sick, blankness starts splashing everywhere in my mind, I get unable to think properly.

When ‘Not-Worthy’ is dominating the fight, it kind of forces me to root for him and when I think of rooting for him (‘Not-Worthy’), I get scared…, very scared as I start doubting my existence, but thankfully at that time of self-doubt, suddenly, ‘Will-Get-It’ makes a comeback and begins to give a tough fight to ‘Not-Worthy’ and starts dominating again.

I hope ‘Will-Get-It’ always dominates ‘Not-Worthy’ in the fight inside me and every other person like me.


  1. Beautiful Explanation about postive and negative sort of thoughts. Where we always desire our positive thoughts be stronger than the negative ones. But, at times when that doesn't happen, we feel disappointed and start creating self doubts.
    Thank you for this beautiful piece of your thoughts.

  2. Vipasana Meditation is of great help.

  3. Wonderfully written. We all have this never-ending battle within our minds.


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