
Showing posts from July 25, 2017

To cheat or not to cheat in exams

Why do students cheat in exams? a)  They (students) want to score more marks with less effort. b) Syllabus doesn’t get completed in time, but, the questions in the exam come from the overall syllabus. c) Pressure from parents & peer-pressure to score good marks. By doing so, cheating may become a habit for the students and this may lead to corruption. Cheating has the tendency to make people do less effort for their jobs but expect more results than they deserve. If you would ask the students (who cheat frequently), ”why do you cheat?”, then, the answers of most of the students would be , “we don’t get taught ,the right way. The teachers are not good.”, but that's always not true. Everyone gets crazy when a bollywood movie copies a Hollywood movie or a south-Indian movie, then why not discuss about this issue of cheating, which in, some, way is the base of these things. To solve this issue, the following things may be considered.The syllabus should b...

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