Positive or Negative Vibes Having Influence on People

There was a match of a tournament going on somewhere. It was an Inter School Cricket tournament. The batsman batting at that time was being easy on the bowlers. He was playing grounded and defensive shots as he was taking his time adjusting himself well for playing big shots later. That time, one of the teachers of some school said to another teacher, “Why is he in the team? He has not even hit a sixer till now from the morning. He is doing nothing but boring everyone.”

In reply to this, the other teacher said, “why do you think so? Be positive. He is just taking his time. He is getting ready for a bigger inning. They are young children. Let’s motivate them. Winning is not everything, the improvement and development of the students are more important. So, just keep calm and relax.”

Observation of the Scenario
In this scenario, we can observe two kinds of people and they are the two mentioned teachers. The first teacher seemed both demotivating and impatient but the other teacher was looking at the brighter side of the scene. The first one was a person having negative vibes and the second one was having positive vibes.

What do I feel about vibes?
I feel these vibes whether positive or negative have a great influence on the people around them.
How does one person get those vibes?
Any type of vibe can’t be born in an individual. It gets transferred from person/group to another person/group through his/her actions/behavior.

Different Moods on Different Days of the same person
You might have observed a person’s different moods on different days. Let’s take an example of a teacher. In my school, there was a teacher who got angry on us someday for no reason but the same teacher took a very difficult problem in a funny, happy and calm manner.
So, what do you think? What might be the reason/s for these different moods on different days?
In my viewpoint, the reason for this thing are the vibes he might have got from anyone before entering the class.

In the first situation, the teacher might have been scolded by someone or he might have quarreled with someone and she might have got the negative vibes from the mentioned stuff. Then, he might have carried on with the negative vibes with him and transferred the vibes to the students n the form of anger.
Similarly, in the 2nd situation, the teacher carried on the positive vibes as he might not have any negative vibes for giving it to the students because if you don’t have any negatives then you are only left with positives and I think no problems can be solved without positives.

Dealing with Negative vibes
Carrying on with the negative vibes is not always the only choice. If someone is reacting negatively to you, then you should react to him/her with positivity to prevent the negative vibes to reach to you.

At last, I want to say that there are many people in the world who say bad stuff about other people or demotivate others but there are very few who appreciate, motivate and help others. It’s high time that the number of this ‘few’ should increase.

Note: This article is written as a part of SuperBloggerChallenge 2018 conducted by Healthwealthbridge.comFashionablefoodz.com and Allaboutthewoman.com and should not be repurposed, republished or used otherwise. The content herein is owned by the blogger. SuperBloggerChallenge2018 is not responsible for any kind of infringement caused.


  1. Strong believer in positive vibes and optimism. The success of
    #SuperBloggerChallenge 20 18 is a result of truckloads of positive vibes from many well wishers including sincere writers like you. #Instacuppa sends you good wishes.Accept my heartfelt thanks for playing the game of Blogging so well.

  2. Nice read , it's true that people do give negative vibes which has bad effect on us , better to stay calm & cool at those moments .And be Positive in everything .
    Do check my entry

  3. Interesting. I especially like the point, which says dealing with negativity can be sheer positive attitude. In today's scenario negativity is something we all need to deal with, in work place etc. In fact if we can learn to manage that with positivity, nothing like it.

    Pls read my week3 post for #superbloggerchallenge2018 #instacuppa

  4. Really , we shud try to counter the negative vibes by our positive ones . Great #superbloggerchallenge post

  5. Very true. I too, strongly believe in the vibes being negative or positive. We should all try to maintain distance from the ones emitting negative vibes. Good article.

  6. I agree about vibes affecting us! But how can we try and minimizing the effect on us so that we don't pass it on?


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