A Suit to control the Superpower

Recap of Shyam’s Superpower
There is an infinite number of shining particles inside Shyam’s body. Some of these particles come out of his body when any thing/being approaches towards his body to hit/harm and protect his body from the same. These particles don’t move out completely from the body, they get out partially from the body to push/hit the thing/being approaching towards the body. Then, the particles get into the body after pushing/hitting the required thing/being. The pace of the particles hitting the required thing/being depends on the pace of the thing or being. Shyam does not have control over his power. To know how Shyam aka Rakshit got his Superpower, go to: “What will he do with his Superpowers?”

A Suit to control the Superpower
A scientist named Dr. Vishwas Ahuja, after examining Shyam’s body and the shining particles inside it, created a suit for Shyam using the advanced technologies of his agency and his secret knowledge (the knowledge about something which he has been hiding from everyone. The knowledge was about the shining particles). Shyam was brought to this agency by Sanjana, so that the agency could use his powers for their missions and research on the shining particles. To know more about the agency and Sanjana, go to: “Dealing with his Superpower”.

By wearing the suit, Shyam was able to shoot the shining particles out of his body to the required target. After shooting the target, the Shining particles were able to return to Shyam’s body through his suit. He could shoot the particles wherever he wanted to, from whichever body-part of his by wearing the suit. The reason for the same was that the suit was very much connected to his nerves. The suit made it possible for Shyam to shoot the particles at a great pace or at whatever pace he wants. The source of the pace required for shooting the particles was the other particles present in the other part of the body from which the particles were not going to be shot at the moment.

Shyam mostly preferred to shoot the particles through his fists, Most of the times, he used to do a punching act while doing the same. He used to move his body in every direction possible to shoot the particles from any part of his body, and like always, the particles after hitting the target returned to his body through his suit.

The Suit messed up something
Shyam was trained by the agency, wearing the suit  for 5 months. He developed his combat skills in that period, and went for many missions for the agency. After a year, one day, after he had taken off his suit, Shyam got a cut on his forearm from a sharp object. It was a sign that the power of Shyam was not working anymore. He did not pay much attention to it and went to sleep in his room as he was feeling very sleepy at that time. The next day, he did his training with the suit. Everything was okay. When his training for the day was over, the cut on his forearm which he got the previous day, made him think about something. He thought about how is it possible that he could get a cut as according to his knowledge, the particles would have prevented the cut. He had taken off his suit at that time. Then, to test his power, he punched on one of the walls of the training area. He noticed that no shining particle came out of his hand. Then, he put on his suit and tried shooting a target, he got a little surprised, the shining particles did come out, hit the target, and returned to his body. Being curious about his power, he took off his suit and punched a wall again but no shining particle came out. The suit had messed up something. This means that now, he can’t use his power without the suit.
To be continued...........


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