Half a Glass of Water for Saving Water

Avoiding Wastage in Parties
When I used to live in my colony, I and my friends used to have dinner together on special occasions. We used to serve together, dine together and have fun together. While doing so, we always had in mind that anyone doesn’t have any food or drinks more than one of us usually consumes or as the quantity decided before the party.

I think everyone might be doing the same thing as we do while having a party or function with your closed ones. If this is the way we think about parties then why not do so while drinking water in our daily lives. Why not take the amount of water in the container as much you have to drink. So that everyone gets the equal amount of water and the water doesn’t get wasted.

Livpure's Initiative
To support this thing, Livpure has started an initiative called ‘CuttingPaani’ which means half a glass of water. It says that we should take half a glass of water instead of a full glass of water. If we take half a glass of water ,that is, ‘CuttingPaani’ then we can take another half of glass water later if we feel our thirst has not gone away but if we take a full glass of water, it may get wasted if we are not that  thirsty for a full glass of water.

To know more about the initiative by Livpure, go through the following video:

Let's Talk About Water Conservation
Now, I am going to talk about water conservation in a very simple way. Water conservation is all about how water can be prevented from getting wasted and be used in the future in many healthy ways. Currently, there are much water conservation technologies all over the world. Such as, rain water harvesting, flushing of toilets using seawater, purification of water at water treatment plants and many more, but, are these technologies enough for it, what is the simplest thing which we can do for it?

What is the thing that we can do for it in a simpler way?
Water scarcity is a global issue. We all have to think about it and contribute something to fight with it defeat it. The simplest thing we can do is stopping the excess use of water for any fun or no reason because there are other people in the world who are struggling to get that much of water that we are wasting. We have to use only that much of water that is required for our daily use and not more than that.

We can also try to use less water than we use in our daily routine and only use more if it is very necessary. So, these are the simplest thing which we can do to conserve water for our fellow people and future generation.

Now, another easy but a great thing you can do for saving water resources. You just have to sign a petition which will be submitted to restaurant owners and concerned government authorities to take appropriate measures for the implementation of 'CuttingPaani'. Here is the link to the petition: https://www.change.org/p/cuttingpaani


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