Loved video-games in my childhood

Do you like video games? Some love them, some hate them and some don’t care about them. I used to love video-games in my childhood a lot. Here, I am not talking about high graphics 3-dimensional or 4-dimensional  kind of stuff. I am talking about the 2-dimensional TV video games. I used to have that type of video-game console. To play with it, you had to connect its audio and video wires with the Tv. Then, you would be having the game cassettes having names like ‘8 in 1’, ‘6 in 1’, ‘4 in 1’, ‘99999999999 in 1’, etc. You have to insert that cassette into the video-game console to play. There was an eject button for the cassette to come out of it.

My first experience with the video-game
On weekends, I with my family used to visit my cousin’s house. There was one Sunday, I was in my cousin’s place. I saw something which I had never thought it existed. I used to love cartoons very much. The cartoons on the TV attracted my eyes that day. Then I observed that these cartoon characters were moving when my cousin brother used to press the buttons of the controller he had in his hand. He was controlling them and it’s always cool when you can control something. This is how I fell in love with video-games.

What games did I like?
The first video-game which I had played was ‘Super Mario’. This was the game which I had first seen my cousin brother playing. I think anyone who might have played video-games must have known about ‘Super-Mario’ for sure. In the game, Mario, the little guy who was the main character in that game. The little guy used to get transformed into a taller one after getting the ‘mushroom’ in the game. He used to go through a lot of obstacles in his journey of saving the princess from a monster looking like a ‘dinosaur’. There were coins to collect in the game which would fetch points to the user. Mario dies in the game if he falls in the gaps between grounds and gets in contact with other characters in the game. Mario used to have 3 lives to complete his mission, which means that he can’t die more than 2 times during his mission and if he dies for the 3rd time then the game is over for the user. I still remember Mario dying again & again and me trying again & again with different tactics & techniques using the controller.

Now comes Contra, in this game, there was a muscular guy as the main character who used to make his entry by jumping off a helicopter with a shooting weapon in his hand. In the game, he could change the types of bullets by shooting at a flying object which used to give the character another type of bullets. I have completed this game many times as it had a version in which the users can have 30 lives. He had to kill his enemies and conquer the required places to win the game. When for the first time I completed this game, I got goosebumps because it was like a movie ending with credits. That time it felt like an achievement. Other games which I loved were ‘Batman’, ‘Bruce Lee’, ‘cricket’, etc.

What have video games taught me?
The video games have taught me to keep trying. I think that whatever the situation may be, one should try to do the same thing till he/she succeeds like the way Mario keeps trying to jump off the enemies, mountains and other stuff, and if the game is over you can still start the game from the first but at least you can start the game. It teaches us to control ourselves and situations like we control the game through the controller. In my childhood, video-games helped me when I was feeling down. It was a stress buster for me.

Cons of video-games
It’s very important for us having a balance between virtuality and reality. Sometimes kids in the zeal of winning or trying very hard get addicted to the game. They also need to know about other tastes of this beautiful world. Parents play a huge role in making them have a balance between virtuality and reality. 

It was a huge part of my childhood. My mother sometimes used to play with me the games and her involvement made me not to get too involved in the game. At last, I wish that all the video game lovers have positive impact from the video games.

Note: This article is written as a part of SuperBloggerChallenge 2018 conducted by and and should not be repurposed, republished or used otherwise. The content herein is owned by the blogger. SuperBloggerChallenge2018 is not responsible for any kind of infringement caused.


  1. Everything can be either positive or negative, it's based on how we see it.
    Grt post.

    Pls read my week3 post for #superbloggerchallenge2018 #instacuppa

  2. You are correct. Within limits everything is fine. I allow my daughter some time to fool around with video games on weekends and holidays but I keep a check on it. Good article.

  3. I was also a Super Mario fan and then it was so happening that I used to hooked all the time. But yes everything is good when under limit.


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