
Showing posts from March, 2017

Going Through Stress

Nowadays, many people or I should say almost every person in the world is getting bounded by the clouds of “Stress”. First of all, what is stress? Stress is anything which forces you very hard to go against the direction in which you want to opt. Now, stress has become a part of our life. It has become like ‘common-cold’, it can catch everyone, at any moment, at any time. People from every category, such as students, office going people, actors/actresses, sportspersons, etc. It would be very wrong if it would not be considered as a serious issue. Now, it is time that it(stress) should be looked into very seriously because chances are very high that its(stress) results are very horrifying and would continue to be so if not checked seriously. It can force a person to do horrible things which include such stuff that can make him/her incapable of seeing the next dawn. Let us see how stress affects the lives of people all around us. A student always wants to get better marks, ...

Plan It To Make It Easier

When you plan for a work then the work becomes easier. Suppose you have a project to complete in your workplace, you are the team leader and you have not planned for it, but you have decided to start the project from a particular date and end it on another date. You have also told the team members to start the project from the same day and nothing else. Then, in this case, nobody actually knows where to start, what part to do and what not to. In this scenario, the chances of making mistakes are more, and the project may exceed the target date. Now, let us assume that you have planned for the project. Then, you know that which person has to work on which part of the project. Now, every team member knows how to divide his/her time to complete his/her part of work and the chances of committing mistakes are less. We should also apply this thing in our life. Suppose you want to pursue something or you are going to do something prior in your life then you should plan it seriousl...

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